Having a child with the character of Insan Kamil as stated in Vision of Madina are parent’s dream. It takes a great struggle in shaping the character. Therefore Secondary Madina Islamic School is committed to implementing an appropriate and supportive education system.
Relying of three aspects of IQ, ESQ, and SQ, as well as local wisdom and international insight, Madina Islamic School synergizes of three Core Curriculum, there are Kurikulum 2013 (Diknas), Cambridge, and Al-Azhar Cairo. Which with the curriculum and combined also with intensive programs from the side of Islam, science, and skill.
To realize the great ideals of Madina that are implicated in the curriculum and the programs, Madina Secondary students are educated and taught by qualified teachers according to their respective fields, they graduates in or outside the country. Not only scientific insights are taught in and out of the classroom. But also the values and norms of Islam that Rahmatan Lil Alamin.