Know Us

Madina Islamic School is an National Plus integrated Islamic School, consists of Kindergarten, Primary, and Secondary. We apply :

  1. Al–Azhar Cairo curriculum (for Islamic Studies, Arabic and Tahfidz). The coordinator is DR. Moh. Syairozi Dimyathi, M.Ed Azhari Islamic School – Branch of Al Azhar Cairo.
  2. National Curriculum (DIKNAS).
  3. We use Cambridge Curriculum for Math, Science and English subjects.

Student Profile

  • M (mutsaqqoful fikri)

    (Knowledgeable) Knowledgeable increases the smartness of student to face globalization.

  • A (aqidatus salimah)

    (Religious) Have critical thought by making Al Qur’an and As Sunnah as the basic frame.

  • D (daimul yakadzah)

    (Manageable) Awareness, discipline, smartness, time management, orderliness in everything.

  • I (iradah qawiyyah)

    (Enthusiastic) Have good will, support and never feel desperateto reach the highest achievement.

  • N (nafi’un lighairihi)

    (Useful) Having toleration, empathy and social life surrounding heterogenic society by principle of ”rahmatan lil ‘alamin” .

  • A (amanah)

    (Honest & Responsible) Honesty and responsibility (mas’uliyah) is foundation to make teamwork and harmonic life.

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